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Abtract illustration of stakeholders involved in a UX Audit

Who Are the Stakeholders in a UX Audit?

Discover the essential stakeholders in a UX audit, their roles, and how they impact the process. Learn who to involve and why their engagement is crucial.

  • Business
  • User Research
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  • User Testing
  • Discovery Research
    Cover Image of Video

    Live-Coding a Fullstack Prototype – Episode 7

    Learn how to add edit functionality to your virtual bookshelf app in our latest coding session. Follow our step-by-step guide using React and Supabase.

    • Web Development
    • User Experience
    • Accessibility
    • User Testing
    Abtract illustration of a dashboard showing results of a UX Audit

    The power of a UX Audit and how to conduct it

    Enhance your digital products with a UX audit. A detailed review like a UX audit can boost user satisfaction, engagement, and conversions.

    • Business
    • User Research
    • Strategy
    • User Testing
    • Discovery Research
    Cover Image of Video

    Live-Coding a Fullstack Prototype – Episode 6

    Discover how we fixed the add book dialogue issue, implemented delete functionality, and discussed state management in our virtual bookshelf app using React and SuperBase.

    • Web Development
    • User Experience
    • Accessibility
    • User Testing
    Cover Image of Video

    Live-Coding a Fullstack Prototype – Episode 5

    Discover the challenges and solutions in form handling with React Hook Form and state management in Shadcn dialog components. Learn how to integrate React Router for efficient state management.

    • Web Development
    • User Experience
    • Accessibility
    • User Testing
    Cover Image of Video

    Live-Coding a Fullstack Prototype – Episode 3

    Discover how to build a bookshelf app using the SShadcn component library, React Hook Form, and Zod. Learn about form handling, validation, and tackling common errors.

    • Web Development
    • Prototyping
    • User Experience
    • Accessibility
    • User Testing
    Abstract illustration of how persona creation takes time and introduces great cost

    Why Personas Suck

    Discover why traditional personas often fall short, including their time and cost inefficiencies, lack of a clear creation process, and rapid obsolescence. Learn how to transform them into dynamic, data-driven tools for your team.

    • Frameworks
    • Qualitative Research
    • User Experience
    • Strategy
    A mobile phone illustration with highlighted layout elements

    7 things you can do to improve your signup form

    Maximize your lead conversions with effective sign-up form strategies! Discover 7 essential tips to enhance your form's usability and boost submission rates.

    • User Experience
    • Conversion
    • Accessibility
    • Data Privacy
    • Content Strategy
    Abstract illustration of an html anchor tag navigating to another url

    What is a Hyperlink?

    Hyperlinks power the internet as we know and use it. Learn about all the features of a link and how it shapes user experience, marketing and page performance.

    You Can Conduct Usability Testing on Your Product at an Early Stage – Here's How

    Discover how to conduct usability testing at the early stages of product development. Learn the benefits of early user feedback and get a step-by-step guide to integrating usability testing into your design and development process to ensure your product aligns with user needs and expectations.

    • User Research
    • Qualitative Research
    • User Testing
    Cover Image of Video

    Live-Coding a Fullstack Prototype – Episode 1

    Explore quick prototyping techniques using React and SuperBase to create a virtual bookshelf. Learn how to set up a CRUD interface and integrate user feedback.

    • Web Development
    • Prototyping
    • User Experience
    abstract phone image with accessibility icons

    Good Design is Accessible

    Learn how prioritising inclusivity enhances user experience, fosters diversity, and creates digital products that cater to all users' needs effectively.

    • Business
    • Accessibility
    • User Research
    • Qualitative Research
    • Human Connections
    Cover Image for "Guide to launching a website in 2024"

    Guide to launching a website in 2024

    In this hands-on comparison of different ways to build website in 2024, you'll get a comprehensive overview to be able to take an informed decision on how to tackle your next website project. We're comparing traditional systems like Wordpress and Typo3, no-code solutions, static site generators and the new and famous "headless" approach enabling flexibility and extensibility.

    • Web Development
    • Strategy
    • Business
    purple abstract visual for accessibility

    EAA – The next disruptive Europe wide directive

    Learn why the European Accessibility Act will be important for your business and how you can prepare your websites compliance before the laws of each member state are taking effect on June 28th 2024.

    • Accessibility
    Interview with Plausible.io Co-Founder Marko Saric video cover

    Privacy-aware, GDPR compliant Website Analytics with Plausible.io

    Discover how Plausible.io offers a privacy-first, GDPR-compliant analytics alternative to Google Analytics. Learn about its ease of use, accuracy, and how it ensures user privacy without sacrificing insight quality on your website.

    • Web Development
    • User Experience
    Abstract illustration of a cross and checkmark on a colorful background

    IN/OUT 2024 UX edition

    The official in and out list of 2024 at Dinghy, here's what we'd like to see more and less of in the upcoming year

    • User Research
    • Design & Feedback
    • User Experience
    • Strategy
    • Business
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy Website Part 9 – Mobile Menu Interactions

    Welcome back to series on how we're building our new agency's website out in the open! 🤗 In today's episode we work on the mobile menu of the site and show how to setup gestures that make the site feel more like a native app – in surprisingly few lines of code 🧐.

    • User Experience
    • Web Development
    • Video
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy Website part 8 – Circular Floating Images

    In this episode we put together a nice, circular layout using Sanity's structured content approach and CSS's new trigonometric functions 🙌. The whole experience turned to be very nice because it's still very easy to update images in that content element without having to touch the mechanics of the animation 👍.

    • CSS
    • Design & Feedback
    • Web Development
    • Video
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy Website part 7 – Fancy Links in Headlines

    In today’s episode of how we’re building the new Dinghy Website we'll be looking into how to leverage Sanity CMS's block content to let content authors work on the main headline of our website, while still being able to make it visually appealing and pack it with a bunch of nice effects.

    • Video
    • CSS
    • Design & Feedback
    • Web Development
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy site part 6 – Get in touch!

    In this video we're working on our contact page. In this process we'll look a tiny bit more into structured content with Sanity, a lot more into CSS layout techniques and mostly into how we can create contacts right in our Hubspot account via their official API. We're doing that because we'd like to be in control of every design aspect of the form and Hubspot only let's people with very deep pockets do that the regular way :D

    • Web Development
    • Design & Feedback
    • Video
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy site part 5 – creating bookmarks

    Today we're creating a shortcut to post new content on our Sanity powered blog! The idea is to be able to post interesting links on the go without having to be logged into the Sanity studio and all that.

    • Web Development
    • Video
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy site part 4 – subgrid in a carousel

    In this video we explore CSS subgrid by looking at the example of our project page which features a carousel that has some special requirements thrown at us by the layout.

    • Web Development
    • CSS
    • Video
    Preview of Youtube video

    New Dinghy Website Part 2: More structured content

    In this second video in the series on how we're rebuilding our Dinghy website, we talk more about structured content and how it helps to keep content consistent and easy to update.

    • Information Architecture
    • Web Development
    • Video
    mid fidelity wireframe with content examples

    Start with the hardest part

    Compiling the actual content of marketing websites early on rapidly accelerates the design process. It also unlocks supreme stakeholder alignment, among plenty of other surprising benefits. Here’s to wireframing with real content and five hands-on takeaways to use for your next website project.

    • Prototyping
    • Business
    Dinghy and Sveltekit Logo on a colorful background

    Switching Frameworks Yet Again

    Our leap to SvelteKit found more than the obvious benefits of superb DX and built-in animations. It led to unforeseen successes in swift adoption and innovation in our development team.

    • Web Development

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