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Your user experience is directly impacting your business metrics, here's how you can instantly improve

Nosipho Nwigbo
Nosipho Nwigbo
Abstract image of computer

With most business being online, you're likely aware that potential customers discover your business on google and proceed to engage with your website to find what they are looking for. However, some of these visitors may drop out of the purchasing process without completing a transaction.

Understanding the cause of this phenomenon can be challenging. This is where it becomes crucial for your business to recognize the significance of User Experience. Manufacturing seal proof , devoid of obstacles, becomes paramount in retaining potential buyers and encouraging conversions. Users are becoming increasingly aware of user experience. People are getting used to great . Their threshold for poor user experience is increasingly low. A poor user experience can quickly turn potential customers away, leading to decreased retention, customer satisfaction and overall profitability. But what does user experience have to do with business metrics? Let's explore the correlation between User Experience and Business metrics.

Can User Experience be Measured?

There is a common assumption that UX cannot be measured as it is thought to be a personal experience based on preference, mental models and general knowledge of the web. Despite this preconception it actually is possible to accurately measure good user experience. It can be measured through various quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys, usability testing, analytics, heatmaps and (CRO). By utilizing these methods, businesses can effectively measure the user experience of their digital products and services.

Understanding the Impact of Bad UX on the Business

The impact of bad user experience on a business can be profound and multifaceted. It can lead to a significant loss of potential customers as users abandon their interactions due to frustration or confusion. This directly impacts conversion rates and revenue generation. Here are some impacts bad UX has on the business:

Impact on Conversion Rates

According to a study by Forrester Research, a 1-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversion rates. Poorly designed interfaces, confusing navigation, and slow loading times contribute significantly to high bounce rates and abandoned shopping carts, directly impacting conversion rates.

Customer Retention

A seamless user experience fosters customer loyalty and high . Research from Harvard Business Review indicates that a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a 25% to 95% increase in profits. When users encounter frustration or difficulty on a website or application, they are more likely to abandon the platform, reducing the chances of repeat business.

Impact on Customer Trust and Brand Reputation

Bad user experience can severely damage customer trust and brand reputation. Users often equate a frustrating or confusing experience with incompetence or lack of care from the business. Negative experiences can lead to disgruntled customers who may vocalize their frustrations through online reviews and social media. A study done by Trustpilot showed that 89% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision. Bad reviews can deter potential customers from engaging with the business, resulting in a loss of market share and competitive advantage. Users now rely on reviews not only to provide feedback solely on the product they purchased but also to gain insight into the purchasing experience. Building and maintaining trust is crucial in today's digital landscape, and poor UX can undermine these efforts, ultimately impacting long-term success and sustainability.


To address the challenges posed above Dinghy Studio provides the following services that aid in solving poor user experience whilst meeting business metrics.

  1. UX Audit: We conduct a thorough evaluation of your product or website to identify areas of improvement. This audit will assess factors such as interface design, navigation flow, copy issues and overall usability. By pinpointing specific pain points and areas for improvement, you can develop targeted strategies to enhance the user experience.
  2. Discovery Research: UX Researchers conduct in-depth research to gain insights into user behaviors, preferences and pain points. This may involve surveys, 1:1 interviews and user testing sessions to understand how users interact with your digital products. By uncovering valuable insights, you can tailor your user experience to better meet the needs and expectations of your target audience.
  3. Usability Testing: UX Researchers engage in rigorous usability testing to evaluate the effectiveness of your product. We observe real customers as they navigate through your website or app and gathering feedback on their experiences. By identifying usability issues and validating design decisions, you can refine your user experience to ensure it's intuitive, efficient and user-friendly.


The significance of user experience cannot be overstated in today's digital landscape. We found that by checking for UX best practices with a UX Audit offers a low barrier entry to understand and improve user experiences. This is a great starting point for business already in the market that experience high bounce rates or abandoned carts. Discovery Research on the other hand offers valuable insights at all steps along the journey of product launch and service offerings. We found that it broadens the horizon of what’s possible and where the best return of investment in design and developer resources is to be found. Through Usability Testing we found that we are able to get real customers on board to give feedback into a product early on in the development process. By investing in UX improvement strategies, businesses can not only meet user expectations but also drive long-term growth, profitability, and competitive advantage in the digital marketplace.


1. How can user experience (UX) be accurately measured despite its subjective nature?

Answer: Despite the common assumption that UX is too subjective to measure, it can indeed be quantified through various methods. Businesses can utilize quantitative and qualitative techniques such as surveys, usability testing, analytics, heatmaps, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) to effectively measure the user experience of their digital products and services. These methods allow for a comprehensive understanding of how users interact with a product or service, identifying areas for improvement.

2. What are the direct impacts of bad UX on business metrics?

Answer: Bad UX can have profound and multifaceted impacts on business metrics, including:

  • Conversion Rates: A study by Forrester Research highlighted that even a 1-second delay in page load time could result in a 7% decrease in conversion rates. Poorly designed interfaces, confusing navigation, and slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates and abandoned shopping carts.
  • Customer Retention: A seamless user experience fosters customer loyalty and retention. According to Harvard Business Review, a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a 25% to 95% increase in profits.
  • Customer Trust and Brand Reputation: Bad UX can damage customer trust and brand reputation, as users may equate a frustrating experience with incompetence or lack of care from the business. Negative experiences can lead to bad reviews, which deter potential customers.

3. What solutions does Dinghy Studio offer to improve UX and meet business metrics?

Answer: Dinghy Studio provides several services to address poor UX, including:

  • UX Audit: A thorough evaluation of your product or website to identify areas of improvement in interface design, navigation flow, and overall usability.
  • Discovery Research: In-depth research to gain insights into user behaviors, preferences, and pain points, involving surveys, interviews, and user testing sessions.
  • Usability Testing: Observing real customers as they navigate through your website or app, gathering feedback on their experiences to refine the user experience, ensuring it is intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.

These solutions aim to enhance the user experience, thereby positively impacting business metrics and driving long-term growth and profitability.


Nosipho Nwigbo
Nosipho Nwigbo

UX Research Specialist

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