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  • Web Applications
  • Web Applications
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Remix is a versatile frontend framework we use for web applications and marketing sites, working seamlessly with other tools in our stack, like and Tailwind CSS . It’s easily hosted on Vercel , and we leverage its server-side capabilities for dynamic functionality. Remix allows us to start small and scale up, enabling fast turnarounds. However, compared to other frameworks like SvelteKit , it lacks built-in pre-rendering and requires more involved setup for caching headers to achieve optimal performance on cloud platforms.

Projects delivered with the help of Remix:

  • Modernizing a 6 year old website

    Modernizing a 6 year old website
  • FTI-Andersch Website Concept, Re-Design and Implementation

    FTI-Andersch Website Concept, Re-Design and Implementation
  • FTI-Andersch Careers Website Re-Design

    FTI-Andersch Careers Website Re-Design